这是何睿的家,你好! こんちわ! Hei! Välkommen! Welcome! Willkommen! Chiao! Hola...
[by eero.k.hakala(at)gmail.com]

Containing all kinds of usefull and interesting materials

Dreams, hobbies & moving around within “rocket science” topics

Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams | World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter | tee itse sähköpyörä | hobbycity | tavarafillari | nojapyörä | Finnexpo | eräänlainen lumilapio | Caraudio: can-bus for volkswagen | r/c | RCgroups: rc-shutter for canon cameras | robotsimple | The Einstein (tube) amplifier | Tubecad: Radiotron Designer’s Handbook | VPV-Motorracing Electronics | lambda sensor | SPECIAL TUNING HARINEN OY: lambda-anturi | VersaLogic's PC/104 SBC and Expansion Modules Embedded Within Personal Flying Machine | chdk how-to | canon hackers manual: teach you camera new tricks | chdk-raw forum | Compiling CHDK under Linux | CHDK: compiling under linux | Modifying the CHDK Sources | software overview | CHDK for Canon Powershot SX1 | Video Out Canon Chdk | chdk, using the chdk | CHDK: canon-hack development kit | chdk, canon hack development kit for sx1 | chdk | canon scriptailua |

Use your brain

Think faster focus better and remember moreRewiring our brain to stay younger... | brain exercises | writing vs typing |

Permaculture etc

permies | HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION - Radical Change Taking Root | back yard sustainability | An Experiment in Back Yard Sustainability | Four Acres and Independence - A Self-Sufficient Farmstead | how to survive! | foie gras, the green way... (hanhenmaksaa) | this is interesting!!! Sepp Holzer work in Ecuador against natural disasters |

SolarMate - Sähköä & Valoa ilman sähkölaskua | Stirling | Stirling engine | turbo combustion engine | LEVÄBIOMASSAN KASVATUS, KAASUTUS JA ENERGIANTUOTANTO | Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms, Paul Stamets |

Operating systems

netbsd | linux-kvm | maemo | meego | up and running KVM | freeBSD: developers handbook index | freeBSD: developers handbook kerneldebug online gdb | freeBSD: developers handbook kerneldebug gdb | pilvilaskentaa | installing open solaris | OpenSolaris Download Center | Screencast - Install OpenSolaris in VirtualBox |

LAMP servers

LAMP in ubuntu | vps LAMP server in ubuntu | ubuntu hardy mysqp5 php5 | mamp | macos php | googlesearch: lamp server |

magazines and a bit more SW-engineering related

TeX on Mac OS X | TeX Users Group | The MacTeX-2010 Distribution | Programs to Read | an educational RISC computer for the third millennium | Donald E. Knuth home page | center for [parallel computing | A Platform for Combinatorial Computing (Nidottu) Donald E. Knuth | free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping | (mac-religion in finland) | Internet TV: Roku still trumps Apple, Google, and Boxee | visual prolog | why you should be careful with facebook applications | (five ubuntu features...) | swi-prolog |

info sources & cool stuff

netkit | MLN (Manage Large Networks) is a virtual machine administration tool | Parhaat hakukoneet | waterloolabs | arduino | sulautetut | freeduino | arduino: port manipulation | opendns |

ip's for DNS server: ;

Enterprise software small and big...

virtual SAP by sun/oracle | SAP teched 2010 | SAP Virtualization and cloud week | SAP daily agenda for cloud week | guide to free SAP study material | intro to SAP erp | SAP | miniSAP |

an accounting program implemented with python... |

Install (real) Java to Ubuntu
